
Saturday, October 4, 2014


B o d y 
Skin - Ingrid (Honey) - Modish
Hair - Erica (Neutral A) - LCKY New
Lipstick - Glossy Red (Teeth) - Nemezi 1L
Hands - Elegant 1 - Slink
Tattoo - Skulls Sleeve Tattoo - Letis Tattoo Culture GG
Azz - Phat Azz - Luck Inc. 

O u t f i t 
Shirt - Crop T-Shirt - The Hellish Diva [ New The Showroom ]
Leggings - Sheer Leggings (Black) - Munique
Shoes (for Slink High Feet) - Red Rose - J.A. Creations GG

A c c e s s o r i e s
Necklace - Papillon Long Silver - Fairy Tail  1L
Nose piercing - Facial Piercing U2 - Phoebe 
Bracelet - Skully Chained Bracelet - Tabou Irresistible
Bag - Style Mesh Bag (8) - Miss LT Free Gift